Church Ministries

"Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless. Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things. Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 3:8-13
List of Mintz Baptist Church Deacons for 2021-2022 church year.
- Bobby Owen
- Ronnie Horne
- Stan Carter
- Chris Davis
- Frank Powell
- Eddie Matthews
- Alan Wilkie
- Scott Warren
- Marcus Page
- Eric Johnson

Women Missionary Union (WMU)
Women’s Missionary Union challenges Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God.
The objectives of WMU (formerly called "Areas of Missions Focus") reflect a biblical understanding of missions and provide a holistic approach to missions awareness and participation. Content in WMU materials supports these objectives, providing a comprehensive and balanced approach to missions in the church.
Pray for Missions
To pray for missions means to communicate with God on behalf of missions work, people involved in missions work, and people that need to know and accept God’s redeeming love.
Engage in Mission Action and Witnessing
The teaching and actions of Jesus recorded in the New Testament show us that the Christian faith is not stagnant but active and participatory. We are to share the gospel in word and deed verbally and through our actions.
Learn About Missions
Learning about missions helps believers better understand what God says about making His name known throughout the earth.
Support Missions
Christians have a part in upholding the cause of missions, maintaining missions work, and encouraging missions personnel.
Develop Spiritually Toward a Missions Lifestyle
For the believer, spiritual development involves growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ. It involves day-to-day living that applies and carries out the missions imperatives of God’s Word.
WMU MORNING CIRCLE meets on the 3rd Tue at 10:00 AM

Baptist Men
The mission of the Men's Ministry at Mintz Baptist Church is to provide men with the resources to develop Godly character and help equip them to influence their world for Jesus Christ.
- To bring men into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- To unite men in Bible study, prayer, ministry, fellowship, and accountability.
- To become a supportive environment that touches the lives of the entire church family.
- To promote mentoring opportunities that lead to significant vital relationships.
- To become a magnet for service and a resource for other church ministries and missions.
- To provide a series of events that will promote fellowship, outreach, and evangelism

VIP Senior Adults
There are many names that the Senior Adults at Mintz Baptist Church could be called, but we choose to call them VIP's. Because to us, they are VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE.
The VIP group at Mintz loves to study God's word and firmly believes in prayer without ceasing. They are a hard working group of men and women that refuse to slow down. They are actively involved in every ministry and activity within the church body. They love to serve God by serving others.
Once or twice each year they organize and coordinate a huge church-wide yard sale. They sort through all the donated items, clean them, price them and then sell them. The event is always a huge success with all the profits going to help ministries or needs within the church. It is truly a labor of love.
Another annual event is Senior Adult Sunday. This takes place each year in May and is an entire Sunday morning service dedicated to and led by our VIP's. It is always a great and inspiration time for the whole church family.
If you are looking for a great group of Seniors to be a part of, then let me recommend the VIP's of Mintz Baptist Church

The youth group at Mintz, under the direction of Savannah Kamp, Youth Minister, consist of around 30 youth in grades 7-12. We meet every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM for Bible Study. Previous studies include the Book of Genesis, the Book of Revelation, The True Love Project, Counter Culture and others. We are currently doing the new study by Louie Giglio entitled Goliath Must Fall.
The youth at Mintz also enjoy spending time with each other doing fun activities as well. Previous activities include football games at both NC State and ECU, volleyball games at Methodist University, bowling, dinner and movie nights, water parks, state fair, Tim Hawkins, Casting Crowns & Newsboys concerts, Winterfest at Liberty University and a host of other fun events. Our current favorite thing to do is to play ping pong on our new ping pong table.
In addition to those events the youth also goes to summer camp for a week in July. We rotate between organized camps like Centrifuge & M-Fuge and retreat style camps where we go to a specific location and spend the week together. In July 2020 they went on a mountain retreat in Gatlinburg, TN.
Our youth also takes part in various mission projects. We have worked at the local food bank and participated in a local mission camp called Illuminate. We have also hosted an international mission event called The 30 Hour Famine.
Whatever we are doing, we love doing it together. We are a family and love spending time with each other. If you are looking for a fun, friendly bunch of youth to be a part of, then look no further you found it.

The children's department at Mintz is a very active and energetic bunch of kids and leaders. This group consist of children from preschool age through the 6th grade.
Activities for the children include Sunday morning Sunday School and Children's Church, as well as Children's Choir and MBC Kids' Ministry on Wednesday night. There is also an event called Mintz Outdoor Zone that meets the third Saturday morning each month (postponed until further notice).
The children at Mintz also partake in annual events like trunk-or-treat, a kid's Christmas production, VBS and summer camp (CentriKid) at Campbell University. Plus a host of other seasonal activities.
Jesus said to let the little children come to Him and at Mintz we believe that leading a child to Christ is a priviledge and a priority.

Ms. Samantha Marshburn is the Minister of Music for the music department at Mintz. We have been gifted with talented musicians and singers. Ms. Marshburn provides music opportunities to members of all ages.
The Adult Choir sings every Sunday morning and leads our congregation in worship through song. They also perform musicals/dramas at both Easter and Christmas. Our choir consist of members from youth age through senior adults. And all are welcome and encouraged to sing in the adult choir.
There is also a Children's choir, directed by Denise Hunter, that meets to rehearse on Wednesday night. They sing in church about every six weeks. They also perform at Christmas and other special holidays.
Mintz also loves gospel music and hosts a few concerts each year.
At Mintz we believe that music is a great way to worship and we are thankful for the gift of music and the ability to lift up praises to our Savior.

Sewing Seams for Christ
POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: Sewing Seams for Christ is our ladies sewing group. The group was first formed at Holly Grove Baptist Church through Illuminate. They meet on Monday mornings in the Mintz Baptist fellowship hall.
These ladies are missionaries here at home and as far as Haiti. They are dedicated, hard working women called to a mission. They have met for more than twelve years, and they are well organized. They share various jobs – sewing, cutting, pressing the garments and adding the finishing touches. Over the years, they have sewn thousands of shorts and dresses for the children of Haiti.
In September 2016, a lady from the Eastern Baptist Association traveled to Haiti to deliver their newest shorts and dresses. The clothing provided year round garments for the Haitian children due to the warm climate.
If you are interested in learning more about Sewing Seams for Christ, or you wish to donate cloth or money, please contact Mrs. Jean Wilkie in the church office – 910-490-9500.